Is this the “change” you wanted?

Yup. Obama’s pick [Mrs. Carol M Browner] is a dyed in the wool, tin-foil-hat-wearing-one-socialist- world-government to combat (none-existent) global warming and destroy American hegemony. And downer Browner doesn’t need Senate confirmation. This is what I find so telling. Expect Obama to do a lot of this — anyone that does not have to go through Senate or committee approval will truly reflect Obama’s ideology.

via Atlas Shrugs: Bob Beckel on Obama’s Socialist Pick Browner: “What’s wrong with Socialism?”.

Oh boy. Can this guy pick ’em or what?? Let’s recap his picks so far, shall we??

Rahm Emmanuel, Chief of staff. The knife-plunging thug who declared his enemies “DEAD!” after the 1992 election, was also on the board of Freddie Mac at the same time Freddie was the 3rd largest contributor to his campaign for Senate. Interesting. He’s also a big proponent of Obama’s “Service” plan, remember?  The plan where he forces middle schoolers through college to “volunteer” their time for their country.  By the way, he’s a former Clinton staffer.


Hillary Clinton, Sec. of State. Wow. There is plenty of scandal there.  Not the least of which is the concern that the large amount foreign contributors to the Clinton Library & Massage Palor will lead to trouble down the road when those countries expect to be paid back by the Sec. of State. Some may not know this, but she is kinda, sorta married to former President Bill Clinton.

Ray LaHood, Transportation Sec. Oh yea. Let’s appoint a guy who refused to vote on the National Highway Bridge Reconstruction and Inspection Act and put him in charge of our nation’s roads.  Brilliant move there sir.  Really, the logic of this move is astounding.  Plus, he has ties to the recently indicted William Cellini.  He’s a Repbulican, but for sure a RINO (Repbulican in name only) who really really likes the earmarks.  LaHood defended Bill Clinton’s actions when he finally decided to go after Bin Laden.

Hilda Solis, Labor Sec. Her biggest job qualification seems to be that she grew up the child of poor immigrants.  She’s pro-illegal alien, voting to let illegals go to college in CA.  She is also Pro-choice, and her biggest strenght has been her environmental work.  She was very supportive of Hilary Clinton’s presidential bid.

Eric Holder, Dept of Justice. Was a deputy Attoney General under Bill Clinton, and was heavily invovled in the Elian Gonzalez abduction at gunpoint by the fed.  He was also invovled in the pardoning of 16 Puerto Rican terrorists, and the pardoning of Mark Rich, and is very much pro gun control. (source)

Ken Salazar, Dept of Interior. One of the infamous Gang of 14 who undercut Republican leadership to make a deal to get a few measley judges approved.  A freind of John McCain, he supports abortion and voted against the Defence of Marriage amendment.

Shaun Donovan, Housing & Urban Devolpment. In a pick that finally makes some sort of sense, this guy has been invovled in housing & development teams for years.  In fact, he served in HUD under, you guessed it, Bill Clinton.

Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security. Appointed Arizona Attorney General by, none other than, Bill Clinton, Ms. Napolitano has vetoed every pro-life bill to come before her, including the partial birth abortion ban.

Tom Daschle, Health & Human Services. Wants government health care, and voted against partial birth abortion ban, and opted for a much weaker ?Unborn Victims of Violence bill. (source)

Steven Chu, Energy Sec. A Nobel prize winning physicist, Chu hates coal.

Arne Duncan, Education Sec. He supported a plan for an all gay high school, and his sex ed policy was crafted with the help of an organization with ties to Playboy.  Also, Chi-town’s schools really haven’t improved all that much under Duncan’s leadership.  Homeschoolers from Illinois seem concerned about the possibility of more restrictions & govt interference.

This is really just a short list.  But once you start looking into Obama’s picks, it’s amazing how many of these are knee-deep in Chicago corruption, or were former Clinton people, or even both.  And, for the record, Mrs. Carol Browner ran the EPA under – you’ll never guess – Bill Clinton.  See what I mean?

1 thought on “Is this the “change” you wanted?

  1. It is so amazing how when you read the end of the book you can see all the plays of the game. Only problem is, it’s not a game! It’s certainly time to bend our knee. We must seriously pay attention to whom we bend it.
    I.H.S. Bob

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