I hate sewing. Hate. It. It’s not my best talent. I can not sew a straight line to save my own life. I get nervous and jittery every time I …
Category: Family Life
Motherhood, and day 2 day family stuff.
Works for me Wednesday: Outlook Reminders
I am a SHE. There. I said it. I am so side-tracked, half the time I don’t know where to start. Laundry is my downfall. I always forget about it. …
It's Pigskin time!
Giants play today. Well, technically they played yesterday. But the NFL network chose to go with the stupid Redskins for it’s live game last night. So today at 2pm est …
From Baby, to Big Boy, in just under five.
I think I may have finally found a “Hair cut store” in our area. God bless Toria and Rashonda. They totally rocked the family hair. With the AC being out, …
I'm melting! I'm melting!
So, our AC died like two days ago. Yummy right? I think it had something to do with a power blink, but I’ve been assured by a neighbor that over …
"I wurk bor a wibing!"
So it’s been a week. Wow. A very fun-filled, hectic week. On the potty front – we went for two days with only 7 accidents. Then he decided screw this …
"Unner-Wayers" are Awesome!
So… I can totally explain the no-blogging yesterday… my baby decided to grow up! From 745am yesterday morning, till he went to bed at 830pm, the day was spent in …
Guess what is living in our back yard?
Ok, admitedly, no where near as scary as as Chris’s bears… but oh so cute… Besides, Gramma loves Bunnies.
And the Clean Sweep award goes to….
I spent the last weekend at my mom’s house. (hence the no blogging thing) We worked our rear ends… well, I’d like to say off, but nope, my sizable tush …
Nothing says "I love America" like blowing stuff up
We had a pretty fun day yesterday. Kinda chilled out all morning & afternoon. Then, after dinner, we went down to the town wharf to check out the town celebration. …