"I wurk bor a wibing!"

So it’s been a week. Wow. A very fun-filled, hectic week.

On the potty front – we went for two days with only 7 accidents. Then he decided screw this Ma, I want my diaper back. Which was fine, until yesterday when he suddenly decided that he needed to potty right then and there and dropped a duece into the pot. WooHoo! He wore his unner-wayers for the next 4 hours without messing them before deciding to screw it all and go back to the diaper. so we will see. He can do it, if he wants to, when he wants to. Hopefully soon he will decide screw the diaper, gimme unner-wayers! But I’m not pushing him. I’ll give him the choice, but I’m not pushing him. he’s only 2!

Meanwhile, Mom, Nani, and the AnnoyingPenguin all came out for a visit. We went to “Big Park” and had a blast. Ditched Mom with the kids while Nani, A.Penguin, and I all went on an awesome coaster… We did alot of rides with the munchkins, and walked ALOT. had a blast though. Then Day two of their visit, we visited a local pet store which is really more like a Zoo. Came home, had lunch, and they left.

Spent yesterday doing laundry and coming up with some goals for this year’s classes. I ditched the cookie cutter curriculum last Monday. while I feel totally at peace with the decision, I’m nervous as hell about doing this school thing on my own. Been doing ALOT of research online, and there is enough free resources, that we could very easily do school with what we have and what I can find online and not lack for anything. but where to start? One website suggested making a list of goals for the year. so I’m working on that. all that mental acrobatics invovled in finding what is age appropriate, selecting goals, and planning lesson is wearing me out. to the point of exhaustion….

Overheard at the dinner table last night:

thePinkDiva: “Yess! Sir!”

Lil’Chicano: “No! I wurk bor a wibing!” (Translation for the toddler impaired: I work for a living. )

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes