Let's get political…

So, John Culberson ignited a bit of a firestorm on Twitter & in the blogosphere this week. Wait, you don’t know who he is? Don’t feel bad, I didn’t either until this week. John Culberson is the Republican Representative from the 7th district in Texas. Seems he’s been using Twitter since the end of May. And earlier this week, in a move to “loosen” the rules regarding Congressional websites, certain Dem’s tried to pass a rule that would have effectively cut off everything but approved websites (Read: a special channel on YouTube). It’s been a long week, and really, so many others have written this up so much more effectively. Check out TechnoSailor’s take on this here or here, or just go straight to the heart of the issue with Let Our Congress Tweet.

While I’m talking politics… Have ya’ll heard some of the crazy stuff Obama wants for our children? I mean, infants in school to prepare them for preschool is crazy enough, Now he wants to turn our kids; middle, high, and college level, into an unpaid workforce by making them all “serve their country.” Not only that, but he’s embarrassed by our country’s lack of linguistics. Apparently, he thinks that we should all be like
the Europeans. Seriously, the reason they “all speak English” Mr. Obama, is that they need to deal with us! And really, he opens his speech with this gem,

“Now, I agree that immigrants should learn English. I agree with that. But, but, understand this. Instead of worrying about whether, uh, immigrants can learn English — they’ll learn English — you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish.”

Thing is, I’ve got in-laws who are immigrants, and as much as I love them, they don’t speak English.  They haven’t learned to because they haven’t needed to.  They can understand English, but they don’t speak it.  Now, i teach my kids Spanish.  But I teach them Spanish because it’s their heritage, their culture.  And because I want them to be able to talk to their great-grandmother.  But I do not think that every child in America should be forced to learn a foreign language.  We live in America so we have the choice.  If you choose to be bilingual, great!  If not, well, that’s fine too.

Spunky has been following Obama and doing a great job of bringing some of this ridiculousness to light.

And that’s enough for one night.  I’m off to enjoy what’s left of the movie with my DH.

3 thoughts on “Let's get political…

  1. Well if Obama wins (and I hope to God he doesn’t) everyone will have to have an English/whatever translation book in their library, next to the Mathbooks For Your Infant/Toddler. Geesh, come on *rolls eyes*

  2. Hey, just followed your link from “rocks in my dryer” because I live in Southern Maryland! I’m not an “inbred” but a transplant of sorts… Moved here from Minnesota back in 2005 for a nanny job in Great Mills (lived right across from Cecil’s Mill, in the Cecil’s homestead). I ended up meeting my now husband here (who is from West Virginia but moved here for work…I mean why else does anyone move here??) and we’re still here. My nanny host family has since moved away, and I just find it funny that I originally planned on living here for a year, and oh how life changes!

    Just had to say hi. 🙂

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