After blaming GOP for leaving him with the theoretical dinner bill, Obama forgets to pay his dinner tab.

Tuesday afternoon President Obama mixed his metaphors a bit at a fundraiser in Baltimore. (emphasis mine)

“If they start trying to give you a bunch of facts and figures suggesting that it’s true, what they’re not telling you is they baked all this stuff into the cake,” he said.

“I love listening to these guys give us lectures about debt and deficits. I inherited a trillion-dollar deficit. We had a surplus, they turned it into a deficit, built it into a structural deficit that lasts for decades, and — isn’t that something?” President Obama said at a fundraiser today.

“This notion that somehow we caused the deficits is just wrong. It’s just not true. Anybody who looks at the math will tell you it’s not true. If they start trying to give you a bunch of facts and figures suggesting that it’s true, what they’re not telling you is they baked all this stuff into the cake with those tax cuts and a prescription drug plan that they didn’t pay for and the wars,” he said.

“So all of this stuff is baked in, with all the interest payments for it, it’s like somebody goes to the restaurant, orders a big steak dinner, martini, all that stuff and then just as you’re sitting down, they leave and accuse you of running up the tab. That’s what they do,” he said.  (Via RealClearPolitics H/T

The following day, after basically accusing the GOP of skipping out on the bill for a steak dinner & martinis, our Illustrious Leader went out for some BBQ with a few guys, and proceeded to skip out on the bill.  Not.  Kidding.

Amid the bustle of President Obama’s surprise stop for barbecue Wednesday the White House apparently overlooked one key detail: the bill.

Celebrating Father’s Day early, the president had lunch with two service members and two local barbers at Kenny’s BBQ on Capitol Hill.

As the group chatted about fatherhood, the president enjoyed a steaming plate of pork ribs with hot sauce, collard greens, red beans and rice and cornbread.

The bill for the president and his four guests was $55.58, but was left unpaid at the point of sale, according to pool reports.

The White House corrected the oversight and settled up the tab by the end of the business day.  (Via ABCNews, h/t WeaselZippers)

You can’t make this stuff up.

UPDATE:  Gateway Pundit gave me a hat tip in his story here.

1 thought on “After blaming GOP for leaving him with the theoretical dinner bill, Obama forgets to pay his dinner tab.

  1. A poll says 68% are so pathetically lazy and stone ignorant as to STILL believe Obama’s lie that the economy is Bush’s fault.

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