Putting the fox in charge of the hen house.

President-elect Barack Obama’s Treasury Secretary nominee, who would oversee the Internal Revenue Service, failed to pay nearly $35,000 in federal taxes from 2001 to 2004 and has a history of mistakes and late-filing, senators preparing to vote on the pick said Tuesday.

via Washington Times – Treasury pick Geithner owed IRS $35,000.

Just the latest in a long line of questionable appointments. Why is this guy getting the Treasury Secretary job? Why is he not up on charges over his tax problems?  Seriously.  But, oh!  He does his own taxes, and it was an “honest mistake.”  Here’s a news flash for the Main Stream Media:  I do my own taxes too.  If I just “forgot” to pay my taxes for years, do you honestly think I’d be getting a pat on the head and a cushy job?  I think not.  More like a severe penalty and the possibility of jail time.

But oh, the tax thing isn’t his only problem, he also has an illegal immigrant housekeeper.  I mean, Zoe Baird & Kimba Wood were ran out of town on rail soley for having hired illegals.  And Wood hadn’t even broken the laws at the time! But this guy doesn’t know his housekeeper’s green card is expired, and can’t remember to pay his taxes, and Barak Obama wants him in charge of the IRS?

Gimmie a break.

2 thoughts on “Putting the fox in charge of the hen house.

    1. Don’t forget also, that the Treasury Sec. has complete authority over the TARP bailout money. Scary thought. The guy couldn’t keep his own finances straight & Obama wants him in charge of the United States Treasury?

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