Confession time. I didn’t bother to watch the President’s address to the nation about the Libya war kinetic military action time-limited, scope-limited action thingy. Really, why bother? We all know …
Today’s Political Funny
So, Amtrax decided to rename a station in DE after Joe Biden, but the CEO of Amtrak showed up to the ceremony in a car because: The train on which …
This stuff just writes itself.
So, apparently there is an elementary school in NJ named Barack Obama Elementary School. At least, there was a school named after the President. Seems the school is closing due …
Because the rent is too damn high!
Former President Bill Clinton’s foundation plans to move most of its offices in Harlem to New York’s financial district. via TheSpec – Clinton Foundation moving offices out of Harlem. [youtube …
President Present strikes again
CBS’s Chip Reid took aim at Obama’s lack of leadership, proving it’s not just the conservatives who are noticing BigO’s tendency to vote “present” on the hard things: Q Is …
Obama votes “Present” on foriegn & domestic issues
Earthquakes & Tsunami in Japan, rebel uprising in Libya, turmoil in the Middle East, Great Depression Part 2 in the US, budget woes in Congress, Union thugs trying to take …
A Must Read: Sleepwalking Through History
In by-gone days, admirals and generals nearly revolted when their primary purpose – national security – was threatened. Today, US military leadership has largely buckled to their purview being used …
Dana Loesch responds to HuffPo blogger’s “bad Christian” charges
This one is a must read. Walker is representing the taxpaying laborers. Putting oneself above the others is antithetical to the lessons taught to us in Scripture and underscores Bass’s …
Homeschooling FTW
This video is meant to be a “Why WI Teachers can’t afford to pay $600 more of their own health care benefits”…. But when I read it (it’s a video …
The Egyptian Military Coup = Foreign Policy FAIL for USA
British economic historian Niall Ferguson illustrates perfectly why the Egypt situation is an EPIC Foreign Policy FAIL, and how the world is sooo not running to embrace Obama as the …