Courtney Glass, the Bowie District 3 council member, was involved in a hit and run with a motorcyclist last Wednesday night. A witness gave police her license number. When police arrived at her home shortly after she did, she failed a field sobriety test and refused a breathalyzer. Ms. Glass works in the Prince George’s County Intergovernmental Affairs office, under the County Executive. She is also a Democratic Central Committeewoman for District 23B.
This is the third known DUI charge for a Prince George’s County official in the last 8 months. Last December, former liquor board chairman Charles Caldwell was cited on opening night at the MGM. He was later forced to step down from his position by Governor Hogan.

Last November, Prince George’s County Councilman Mel Franklin crashed a county car into another vehicle, and fled the scene on foot. He later pled guilty to the DUI.