It’s official. GeekBoy needs glasses. We went to the optometrist this morning. We had prepared for this yesterday with a study on eyeballs and what happens at an eye exam. …
Category: Family Life
Motherhood, and day 2 day family stuff.
"All I want for Christmas…"
GeekBoy was eating lunch, when suddenly he freaked out! It was hard to figure out what happened, because there was lots of jumping and flinging of arms. A small something …
Star-gazing indoors
Check out the school blog for photos of the latest improvements to GeekBoy’s room.
She had to learn the hard way
We’ve told her. Time and time again we’ve told her, “Stay out of other people’s things.” Did she listen? Nope. Yesterday, thePinkDiva found the box in Mom & Dad’s closet. …
The Reception Photos
Just a few fun shots from the reception: My not-so-little sister, Nani. Bing’s baby sis. I’ve nicknamed her CamGirl because she wants to learn photography. She helped out at the …
He is his father's son.
Yesterday was thePinkDiva’s first dance class. Literally moments before the class started, GeekBoy decided he wanted to take the course also, and asked the teacher if boys were allowed. Mrs.P …
Mining for gold…
So as I’m processing the photos from MomoT’s wedding, I found this gem… Yup. That’s my boy. Lil’Chicano, mining for gold. and big brother GeekBoy looks like he just can’t …
More Wedding Photos
MomoT. Bing’s Side of the family