the other 3 musketeers…

the Other 3 children

Let me introduce you to the other 3 musketeers in our house.

On the far left there, with the pretty white trim, is Odina.  She’s my baby.  She’s my workhorse.  She prefers power cords and weekly degfrags.

In the middle, is Rosalee Marie.  She’s the oldest of the bunch.  In her much older, wiser years, we’ve found she is more suited to working with the local children.  She is great for educational pursuits, but is never one to pass up a good game of I Spy Jr.

On the end there, the male, Bucky.  He’s a dependable workhorse much like the stallion he’s named for.  He loves to check out the lastest PC applications, read blogs about geek stuff, and generally keep track of all things paperwork-ish around here.

Those are the 3 musketeers.  Now lest I forget, these three have a few siblings in the other room.  The siblings aren’t such free spirits as these though, they prefer to be tied down to one desk.  Munchkin is always up for a great game of Lego Star Wars, and he loves to just surf the net & check out the lastest videos.  The red-headed stepchild of the family is JuanAlex.  He’s the oldest of the bunch and has been content to live out his retirement years in silence, occasionally playing a round of Zoo Tycoon or two.

So those are the other “members” of our house.  How about ya’ll?  I know we are not the only ones to name our computers!

(and yes, that is what my table looks like tonight, and yes, I am using all three at the same time.  I know.  I am a geek.)

2 thoughts on “the other 3 musketeers…

  1. We only have four now, since the unfortunate accident of my laptop. I don’t name them unless, Darth Vader, Kid’s computer, Money Getter and Caused us to be broke are names. haha

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