Insane in the membrane

how stupid is this:

“We could save all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups. You’d actually save just as much.”

Guess who said that?  just guess?

Did you guess yet?  No, not Nancy Pelosi.  She’s the ID10T who thinks that releasing 70 million barrels from the Strategic Oil Reserves – you know, the emergency fund of oil – would actually make a difference.  HA!  Nope. Not her.  Guess again.

Wait.  Did you say, Barack?  As in Barack Hussien Obama?  Ding ding ding!  You’re a Winner!

Yes.  The man running for the office of President of the United States actually said that just getting our cars tuned up and inflating the tires would save oil. (Source)  In-freaking-sane!  Where does he come up with this crap?

Seriously.  The man scares me.  His stand on education is positively frightening.  First he wants infants in school (Check his website, the Zero-to-Five plan. It’s scary.), then he wants to turn our middle school, high school, & college kids into some kind of volun-told force to “serve their country”.  Serve what?  Drinks? Dinners? Him? Serve what/who?  Then he tells us we need to learn Spanish, and he’s embarrassed that all we can say when visiting Europe is “Merci Boucoup,” then went to Germany and held a pep rally in English.  Sidebar: What the hell is a presidential candidate doing holding campaign rallies in Germany?  They can’t freakin’ vote for him!  And this “citizen of the world” crap?  You know what, the world can freakin’ keep him, I don’t want him here! And every speech of his is the same!  Hope. Change. Unity. Hope that we can change, and bring unity.  It’s all the freaking same!  Someone please, please tell me…  What the hell does he want to change?  Yes, he’s for change.  So am I.  I change my underwear ever freakin day.  So what the heck is it he wants to change?

And now he comes out with this glittering gem of colossal ignorance.  Puh-leaze!  If it was that easy to conserve fuel, don’t you think we’d have done it already? And really, tune-ups and proper tire care, those things are not about conserving fuel.  That is just general care and maintenance needed to improve the life of your car, and yes, we already maintain our cars to keep them running in top condition.  As far as I can tell, it hasn’t improved our fuel bill one bit.

The answer to high gas prices – create more supply.  When supply is greater then demand, price will come down.  Even my seven year old knows this!  Why doesn’t the man running for the highest office in the land?

4 thoughts on “Insane in the membrane

  1. How about this little tidbit. Tell me he doesn’t play the race card:

    Obama “The choice is clear. Most of all we can choose between hope and fear. It is going to be very difficult for Republicans to run on their stewardship of the economy or their outstanding foreign policy. We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run. They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?”


  2. Did you hear his open in Germany?? “I know I don’t look like others from my country who have come to speak here.” AHHH! Go away! World, please take him! Do. Not. Want.

  3. Barack Obama wants everyone to learn a foreign language, but which one should it be?

    The British learn French, the Australians like Japanese, and the Americans choose Spanish.

    And this leaves Mandarin Chinese out of the equation.

    Interestingly nine British MP’s have nominated Esperanto for the Nobel Peace Prize 2008.

    Detail can be seen at

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