The one in which I swear I am not a stalker…

So I had one of the strangest dreams ever last night. Even stranger because I actually remember it. The weirdness is just too great to keep to myself, so here ya go…

Somehow, BlogHer was at “my house”, except it wasn’t my house, thank goodness, because there is no way so many women of such awesomeness could be contained within the walls of my humble abode. No, in the dream, “my house” was more like a huge hotel, except it was indeed my house.

I wore my bathrobe to the kitchen to a snack, which in itself is odd because the last time I wore that thing was in the hospital after giving birth to BigBoy (now 3!),  but whatever. I was in the middle of a conversation with an unnamed blogger. I have no clue who this woman was, but I was telling her to help herself to anything in the fridge. Then I saw HER. I only saw the back of her head as she walked by, busily plurking/twittering away on the cellphone, but I just knew who it was.

Dana Loesch. AKA Mamlogues.

I didn’t get the chance to say hi, because of the current conversation with the afore-mentioned unknown blogger. Later in the day, I went to my session & SHE walked in. I was tongue tied. Didn’t know what to say. Apparently I’m a total spaz, even in my own dream. Just as I was working up the balls to walk over and say hi….

My 3 year old woke me up. He’d had an accident and needed me to change his bed. And that ended one of the stranger dreams I’ve ever had.

Oh, and if, by some chance, you don’t know who Dana Loesch is…  Like maybe you’ve been living under a rock…   or still haven’t figured out how to navigate the interwebz…   Swing by her blog Mamalogues and read up. Or tune in to her radio show, 9pm EST. Or check her out on MamaPop.  Shes’ also a founding member of the St. Louis Bloggers Guild, and was recently awarded as one of the 30 under 30 in the St. Louis Business Journal.  PLUS!  She homeschools thier boys while her hubs is running Shock City Records.  And I’ll stop now, or you might think I was lying when I wrote the title…

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