In like a Lion…

and out way too fast! I can’t believe March is (mostly) gone, already! So much happened that I swore I would blog…. and then didn’t have the energy to at the end of the day.  This past week or two has been downright hectic.  We started renovating the main bathroom.  Remember that one, the last bastion of that fugly brown paint?  It’s not 100% done yet, but I will post the before and afters when it is.

Even the kids helped out with this one.  Here’s BigBoy helping sand the daisies (painted on by a former owner, painted over by a “flipper”) out of the wall.


And here’s thePinkDiva, helping to spackle the rips in the drywall after Daddy went psycho with a scraper and removed every trace of fugly brown paint from the walls.


(You are right, there are no pictures of GeekBoy helping.  He’d rather play ZooTycoon2.)

Midway through the project, we took a few days and went up to my mom’s house.  DH spent three days fixing up little and big jobs around the house, and I spent two days cleaning out the dungeon.  I should have taken photos of Dad’s old toolboxes…  but I completely forgot until we were already on the way home.  oh well.  I spent day three helping mom with her computer, and organizing her hard drive.  The kids had a blast playing with Gramma and Nos (short for Nitrous) the bunny.  I took this pic, and it just screams for the LOL treatment.


Then, before we left on day 3, DH and I tore apart the swing set, and DH packed it into the Explorer.  Gramma drove the kids, we drove the swing set, and we all arrived back at our place the day before Easter.

Saturday was spent putting up the “new” swing set, ironically almost 2 years to the day after my Dad put the same set up at their house.  Gramma took this photo of DH putting the set back together:


I know she has one of my dad in almost the exact same spot, but I must not have a copy.  I do have this one, of Dad putting the set together two years ago.


Then there was Easter morning.  And photographic proof that I was indeed there.


Since then, Monday and Tuesday were spent finishing the painting in the Main bathroom (Photos to come soon… very soon.  Dh has some installation work to do on Friday, then it’s ready for photos!)

and Wednesday was spent here:


Pure joy.

1 thought on “In like a Lion…

  1. Looks and sounds like the kids and the big kids had a blast. Glad to know you had a wonderful Easter.

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