Bloggy Bible Study

I found the Preacher’s Wife’s blog, um, probably about a month ago. And I absolutely loved the Bible studies she posts. I decided then that I wanted to participate. You see, I don’t much of the other activities at our church because it’s a long way to go, and frankly, I think the brief time we get to spend with Daddy is better spent with Daddy and Family. Families come first, always. Also, I can’t join our church’s ladies fellowship because I don’t have reliable childcare for each month’s meeting… BUT! I don’t need a babysitter to do a blog thing! WOO HOO!! But, in true SHE fashion, I kept forgetting to do the study! Ugh! So here I am.. 8 weeks into the study, but I’m following my gut, and a FLYlady principle, and just jumping in where I am. Besides, Lisa said I could… so *pbbbt* he he he.

So… lesson 8 in the “I AM, so you don’t have to be” study. Wow. Seriously Lisa, this couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I can only call it God’s leading that I came across the blog again today and thought, you know, I’m just gonna do this now. Fears, heartache, failures, misery… That just about describes my life. And the quote… from Alister Begg:

‘Some Christians are sadly prone to look on the dark side of everything, and to dwell more upon what they have gone through than upon what God has done for them. Ask for their impression of the Christian life, and they will describe their continual conflicts, their deep afflictions, their sad adversities, and the sinfulness of their hearts, but with scarcely any reference to the mercy and help that God has provided them.’

Wow. Profound. I’ve always thought of myself as a “glass is half-full” kinda gal, but really, when push comes to shove, I’m more of a “glass is half-empty” person. Ouch. To think of all the mercies He has shown me, and all the blessings He has showered down upon me, and still, I focus on what I don’t have, or what I’ve been through. Yes, I get through it, and somehow I always do… But do I give God enough of the credit for giving me the strength, sending that person with the encouraging comment just when I need it, or even bringing my husband home from a deployment just before I crack from the stress? More importantly, do I thank Him enough for seeing me through and putting up with my self-involved self? No. Sadly, if I’m completely honest with myself and my readers, I don’t.

As for the discussion questions:
1. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to ‘go back’ to a place of shame or ridicule? How did that make you feel? Like crap.

2. Is there any circumstance in your life that still has you running for cover? Share if you feel comfortable.
Yes. I hate the screaming, shrew-like, angry person I become almost at the drop of a hat. I hate screaming, swore up and down when I was younger that I wouldn’t do this to my own kids, and yet here I am. And often times, my head is desperately telling my mouth to shut up, but the tongue. Oh the tongue. It just won’t stop… And later, usually seconds later, I am ashamed, distraught, and saddened by my inability to Just. Shut. Up.

3. When is the last time you felt like an overcomer?
Every day lately. There is so much surrounding me, threatening to pull me down. Everyday that we make it through is a victory.

4. If you have not yet taken the serpent by the tail, are you willing to stop running, take hold and trust God to transform it into a tool for wonders?
I want to. I don’t know how. You know, I was brought up in a Christian home, I went to Christian school, I even went to a Christian college. I know how to “speak” Christian. I’m finding more and more with each passing day that I have no clue how to “live” Christian. All the platitudes, and the “abandon yourself to Jesus” stuff. It doesn’t seem to make sense. I don’t know how. I know I can not be the only person who struggles with this. But is sure feels like it sometimes. Part of that stems from the embarrassment it is to admit this, especially coming from someone who has grown up surrounded by church and all. It’s like, how could you not know that?

5. I would like for you to write down this statement based on 1 John 2:14 somewhere you will see it often this week: “I am strong, the Word of God abides in me, and I have overcome the evil one.” Memorize it. Say it over and over until you believe it. Will you do this?? Most of the time, there are no right or wrong answers, but on this one, I’m expecting a ‘yes’!

Yup. In fact, I will tape it to my laptop, which is probably the modern day version of that verse in the old testament about binding God’s words to your forehead and stuff.

4 thoughts on “Bloggy Bible Study

  1. Thanks for sharing your answers with us. I too grew up in the Christian home, school, college even seminary for pete’s sake and feel like there’s so much that I just don’t get that others seem to grab hold of just like that without all the “Christian heritage”. I don’t really know how to put it into words yet but it’s like I know so much but where is that in my life? Maybe I’m not making much sense, probably b/c I’m still confused. I think my biggest problem is not being continually in the Word, not learning more but knowing Jesus more. Ok, I’m rambling, I’m stopping now!

  2. Maybe not making sense to most… but makes sense to me… and you are right about one thing there. I think prolly a big part of our problem stems from the fact that we obviously have the “head knowledge” of Jesus, and God… it’s the “heart knowledge” that is lacking. and yea. spending more time in His word and all.. and now I’m rambling… but yea. I totally get where you’re coming from on this.

  3. Loved reading your answers! I’ve been doing this Bible Study since she started the 2nd round and I love it! I think that the most important way “live” the Christian walk is to be in constant fellowship with Jesus. By reading His word and talking to Him we WILL get to know him better. And of course through that we will start to act like him more and more. It’s very hard to hang out with someone constantly and not act like them! Blessings!

  4. Thanks for your very honest answers to the questions–my mouth gets ahead of my somedays too, and I regret it. And I hear ya on the it’s easier to know about Jesus than to live for him…I’m still working on that one.

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