Thinkin' with my fingers

First off… for those curious, I only found 4 little ants today…. they seemed lost. hopefully that was the last of them.

Plus, I figured out that I can sleep quite well on the couch. maybe when it warms up a bit I can sleep in the bed again…. but for now, it’s the couch for me…

Now…. Today, I spent all day, and I mean ALL day, putting the office back together. Granted, it needed to get done, and there is no one else who can do it. and I finally have space to work at the computer again. But at what cost? I realized this evening around 7pm that I had barely seen my kids all day. They were here. They were nicely playing in their rooms, staying out of mom’s way…. But seriously… talk about a guilt trip.

Not to mention the laundry is REALLY piling up… It’s about up to my waist now.. and that’s just in my room… I literally have no pants to wear tomorrow.

And bedtime. Oh my freaking word. I was so worn out…. and then bedtime was pushed back a bit because dinner was late because I was trying to finish nailing the baseboard back up…. The littles didn’t get to bed til 9, and the big guy went down at 930ish.. a full hour AFTER they were supposed to go down… and boy were they grumpy! I so need to get a routine back. We had one. it fell apart when Daddy left.

I realized something else tonight…. I can’t just tell them to “put your toys away.” Half the time, they aren’t sure where the toys go! Things are so different now…. and they haven’t had time to figure it all out… And to be honest… we are still unpacking things, and moving things around constantly, to the point where I’m not even sure where everything goes. *S* So I really need to make an effort to say, You – pick up those cars, and put them in the box under your bed. You – pick up those barbies and put them in the box in your closet. you know??

I need a meal plan. I currently have leftover ham, but the kids will only eat that once more before they revolt. I need a plan that will get us all fed, with minimal cooking (since I’m way to busy, and way too tired to cook big dinners). I think I need to do ALOT of crock pot type stuff, and some casserole-types that I can whip together one weekend and freeze for use during the month.

I also need a routine that includes a home blessing hour, school time, design time, housework, and home improvment time. Did I mention Tae-Bo?? I’ve packed on close to 20 extra pounds, and I’d really like to shed that b4 he gets back from deployment.

Speaking of pounds…. I need to cut back on my eating. I know the fastest way to lose the weight would be to watch my portion sizes and Tae-Bo. I also know that mom says if they had known before, they could have managed dad’s weight better, to make it less of a strain on his heart. Besides… if I get below 175, I can get a discount on the life insurance…. *S* (Still haven’t heard back from them BTW… they are stuck trying to track down medical records. HA! good luck.)

And I soooo need to get all this crap off my desk. It makes it hard for me to concentrate and work here with all this crap all over the place.

6 thoughts on “Thinkin' with my fingers

  1. I think you are doing a fantastic job fixin’ up the place and raising 3 kids by yourself for a few months. Hard work. You are a great mother and right now things are out of sorts. You’ll put them in order. I was always amazed how orderly your house was and how well behaved your children were. You are truely blessed. Now for those *extra* pounds…I have some of those I need to shed and fast. But I do not want to skimp on food. I have done the adkins thing and I lost weight but I sacrificed carbs. I sooo don’t want to do that. So if you have any ideas let me know. I’ll TTYL. 🙂 🙂

  2. Easiest way I have found to shed pounds, watch my portion size. Second easiest way: Move. Either walk 15 min. everyday, or do tae bo – which did wonders for tightening up my stomach muscles… 3 kids & 2 C/s, I will NEVER have washboard abs…. but I had a nice tone when I was doing tae bo. need to do that again.

    Thanks for the encouragement…. I need all I can get. *S*

  3. Well the moving part is no big deal since Sarah is into everything and Ava is crawling. So, all I need to do is work on portion control. But how do you do that? What is my correct portion size? I would greatly appreciate the help. 😉

  4. I used BalanceLog… but there are other tools online that will let you fill out a profile, and see how many calories you need to eat in order to reach your goal weight…. BUT!

    Seriously, look at the packaging… like have you ever really measured out one serving size of ice cream? it’s only a 1/4 cup usually… and that’s 140 cal! (110 if you get the rich and creamy)…. Soda is a biggie… Switch to diet if possible…. or if juice or beer is your thing, look at how many calories is in a serving, and pay attention to the serving size… like a 20-oz bottle of soda equals 2 servings. people often don’t realize that… a serving of meat is only 3 ounces. that’s small!!!! one thrid of a 9oz steak at Outback!

    I’d suggest you take a few days to keep track of what and how much you eat, and see how many calories you consume…. I’ll bet it’s way more than you think…. then spend a few days watching portion sizes… if you want chocolate at night, cut out a soda or something during the day…

    Not everyone can do this…. some people need to break up their meals into 5 or 6 very small meals a day…. others (like me) can just about skip breakfast – a cup of hot chocolate is fine for me for breakfast – leaving more room in the day for the sweets.

    Another tip… don’t deny your cravings. it will only make things worse. instead, have a much smaller portion of your fav food. cut that piece of cake in half, etc…. It truly isn’t what you eat, but how much…

    hope this helps…. Geez… I could probably write a blog about this! *S*

  5. No you’re right. I have cut out sodas only because lately they hurt my stomach tremendously. I have been drinking crystal light in water. Love it. But it’s the sweets thing that’s doing me in and lack of excercise. I just need the motivation. Now about portion sizing I can do the 3 ounce meat thing cause I am not really into red meats. Chicken will be hard. I soo love salmon but its kinda expensive. But I will definately take your advise into consideration. How are you doing by the way? Holding up well? I know I have told you this many times but I AM here for you to talk to if you need to. Again thank you for your help. We will see how this goes. Wish me luck. 🙂

  6. Yea, on the ants… i know that u will pull thru anything an everything that u do around the house…. as for the pounds, remember FLYLADY..? just do 15 mins of something prolly when little ones r down for nap…u always tell me 15 mins to do something, so try an apply that for the Tae-Bo or whatever… member, i proud of u….! ti amo mi amor 😉

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes