Day 3… the saga continues

Woke up to a blustery, rainy day. Fun fun fun. Not mention the rain brought in a slight chill. I mean, heck it couldn’t be 70 degrees forever out here on the east coast! But that slight chill and dip in air pressure means a blocked up nose and sore hips for me. Even more fun fun fun.

We let the kids watch Veggie Tales: Gideon – Tuba Warrior this morning. Talk about hilarious! “Join God’s Army! Get a free Flashlight!” he he he! and the silly song.. Bob’s Ukulele Karaoke… Soo funny! A new Veggie best. *S*

After the flick, it was PB&Js all around before heading out to look at homes. Let’s just say we were less then impressed with the neighborhoods we saw, and leave it at that. I mean, seriously, that’s the nicest way I can think of to tell you about the crapholes we drove by. Yup, drove by. We didn’t even stop at half of them. It was that bad.

They were so stir crazy after that, it was fight after fight after screaming match after fight. So we did what any rational thinking parent would do, we popped in the Kid Tae Bo dvd. I believe my exact words were, “If you’re going to beat each up up, at least learn how to do it right!”

Angry Lions

The Angry Lions

Kiddie Bridge

The grumpy old troll who lived under the bridge.

We ended our day with a large pizza from pizza hut which the kids refused to eat more then 2 or 3 bites each. Wonderful. Reality was they were way too tired from not having had their afternoon naps to do much of anything at that point.

But on the more positive side, we have been treated to the daily dose of nightly entertainment better known as our sleeping children. First there were the kung-fu fights, then the endless 360’s, the occasional head butt, and the nightly conversations, all while sound asleep! not to mention the creepiness of discovering one or more of your offspring have the ability to sleep with their eyes open, blankly staring right through you as if you were in some horror flick. You’d half expect somebody’s head to spin at moment, a la Exorcist. Gives me the heebee jeebees for sure!

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes