The girl who cried (& whimpered & whined), "I'm Sick"

Last week, I knew it was too good to be true when the boys were sick and my DD3 , who normally is the fist to get sick, managed to stay healthy. *sigh* here’s hoping she gets over this fast… Especially since her “Un-Birthday” Party is this Saturday! If she’s still sick, we may have to cancel. I don’t want to infect the neighborhood, although chances are they’ve already got it, since I don’t where my kids could have picked this up, other than Church or the neighborhood. *sigh*

In reality, I feel pity for her, because I know it’s a fever (that she didn’t start herself for once).  I know her throat hurts, and I know her tummy hurts.  But most of my sympathy evaporates when she starts her whining.  Converstaions with her at this point go something like this:

“What’s wrong honey?”
“WAAHH, I dun know.  WAAAHHH!”
“Then why are you crying?”
*whimper, whimper, Whine* “I dun know.” *whimper whimper*
“I can’t help you unless you tell me what the problem is.  What’s wrong?”
*whimper* “Nothing.” *whmiper, whimper*
“Then stop crying.”
*sniffle, sniffle*  “Okay.” *sniffle Sniffle*

I’ve warned her, several times in fact, that if she keeps doing that, one of these days she’s going to be really hurt, and I’ll ignore her thinking she’s faking.  I need to find the book of the boy who cried wolf and read it to her, alot.

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes