Note to Whiner-babies: Lay off my 1st Amendment!

I just read that one of my favorite columnists has been yanked from the newspaper she is printed in because, “the people who subscribe to the printed paper can’t handle talk of things like breastfeeding or female hormones while brunching over crumpets and tea, so they complained.”

For real, people ought to get over it. Nobody forced the whiner-babies to read her column. They could have skipped it completely. But no.. *They* decided to cause trouble for the rest of the world. I’m getting really tired of the fringe kooks trying to tell the rest of us what we can and can not read/say/do/etc.

These are the same sorts of people who sue over the name of God in our Pledge of Allegiance or on our money. They are the same sort of people who whine and moan when Christmas trees are placed in an airport, but not anything representing *their* faith. (Note: Um…. since when is the tree a symbol of my faith??? The Nativity yes. You can’t have Christmas without the birth of our Lord and Savior. The tree, yea… that’s not really necessary to the celebration of the birth of Christ)

But then, what can you expect from the same sort of people with their panties in a wad over the Heart Attack Grill and Eye Candy Cuts. Seriously. Nobody is making you patronize these places. If you don’t like what they are doing, your course of action is simple. Don’t go there. Just like the recent flap over Charlie Sheen’s rendition of Joy to the World on the show “2 and a Half Men”. I don’t watch the show, I find it offensive to begin with. Nobody is making me watch it. The best way I can tell CBS that I think the show is crap is to simply not watch it. I don’t shop at Spencer’s for the same reason. I refuse to buy Pampered Chef anything because of their support of Planned Parenthood (and because it’s way too expensive). I won’t buy Heinz Ketchup, and try to avoid Heinz anything just because I don’t want to put more money into the pockets of John Kerry via his wife Teresa Heinz-Kerry.

My point, there are plenty of things that go on in the country everyday that I don’t approve of or like. I can’t even begin to count the number of books out there that are just plain trash in my opinion. But here in America, we are allowed to have our own opinions and express them freely. We also have the freedom to change the channel, turn the page, find a suitable alternative, and generally learn from or flat out ignore other’s opinions. So these fringe kook extremists have got to stop trying to tell the rest of us how to live! Please Mr. & Mrs. Whiner-baby, get a grip!
So here I am, exercising my freedom of speech:

Merry Christmas.
& God bless us, every one!

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