Gratitude 5!

1. Being TaggedMy Skrap blog was tagged today…. I’ve been watching all the other scrappers getting tagged, tagging each other…. was taking me back to high school, where I was always the odd man out…. but I got tagged…. *S* Someone does like me afterall! *S* In this case it was Alicia Hess…. She’s a really sweet woman.
2. Spell Checker – ok…. so to be gratefull for it, I prolly ought to use it once in a while! *S* Don’t worry though… my dh is kind enough to point out all my misspellings the next day when he catches up on my posts… *S*
3. Bath Time – Today at bath time my ds1 gave me such a laugh. He was sooo excited about getting in the tub, he climbed in, clothes and all! *S* He was just so pleased with himself…. I couldn’t help but laugh!
4. The Design Shows on TLC – Stuff like Trading Spaces, While You Were Out…. my fav is Clean Sweep. I don’t get to watch them often…. heck, hardly not at all…. but I do love them… so many great design ideas. *S*
5. Select Comfort Air Bed – I can’t tell you how happy I am to have it….. makes my sleep so much better…. relieves 90% of my backaches (the other 10% of my backaches turned out to be purely hormonal…. Midol takes care of those…. *S*) and is soo comfy…..

1 thought on “Gratitude 5!

  1. I have a Select Comfort bed, too, and I can’t tell you the number of times the phrase “my comfortable bed” comes up in my list of 5 when I write in my gratitude journal!

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