the politics of education

The NEA (National Educator’s Association) Not only believes that Public school is “the cornerstone of our social, economic and political structure, and is of utmost significance in the development of our moral, ethical, spiritual, and cultural values.” They also believe parents are too stupid to know what is best for their children.

B-75. Home Schooling
The National Education Association believes that home schooling programs based on parental choice cannot provide the student with a comprehensive education experience. When home schooling occurs, students enrolled must meet all state curricular requirements, including the taking and passing of assessments to ensure adequate academic progress. Home schooling should be limited to the children of the immediate family, with all expenses being borne by the parents/guardians. Instruction should be by persons who are licensed by the appropriate state education licensure agency (read: licensed teachers only), and a curriculum approved by the state department of education should be used.(read: you must teach what we say you must teach.)

The Association also believes that home-schooled students should not participate in any extracurricular activities in the public schools.

The Association further believes that local public school systems should have the authority to determine grade placement and/or credits earned toward graduation for students entering or re-entering the public school setting from a home school setting. (1988, 2006)

So, to recap… the NEA disapproves of homeschooling and wants all kids under the control of the government and public school. I mean seriously, do you want the government training your child in morals? In an age when teachers having sex with students is rampant, do you really want to trust them with the job of instilling moral values? I don’t think so. Are they for real when they say that public education is “of utmost significance in the development of our… spiritual… values”? Seriously? Since when? Since they took prayer out of schools? Since they refuse to teach Creationism as an alternative to Evolution? Since they began indoctrinating young skulls full of mush in the gay and alternative lifestyles? Since they started teaching sex ed in elementary grades? Since they declared AlGore is be all, end all of Global Warming? (And yes, they are teaching Algore’s global warming propaganda, don’t believe me? check out this letter to a teacher of a friend’s daughter.)

The NEA likes Ron Paul, granted not as much as they like Clinton or Edwards. but they like Paul more then they like Tancredo, or McCain even.

The NEA says that full time Kindergarten is awesome and necessary. They also say that the amount of time kids spend in school isn’t enough . So not only do they think homeschooling is bad, but they want to keep kids in schools longer, and at younger ages! Ugh.

To give this some perspective, check out the NEA ratings of the candidates:
Credit and On the Issues.

NEA Ratings of the candidates:

Joe Biden (D) – 91%
D. Kucinich (D) – 90%
Chris Dodd (D) – 82%
Hillary (D) – 82%
J. Edwards (D) – 83%
Ron Paul (R) – 67%
John McCain (R) – 45%
Sam Brownback (R) – 27%
Duncan Hunter (R) – 17%
Tom Tancredo (R) – 8%

Huckabee, Guliani, and Thompson aren’t given a rating on the websites I found. I think this is because the NEA rates based on votes in the congress, and Thompson’s been out of the game for a while, and the other two are state level, not former congressmen. BUT! Mike Huckabee went to talk at the NEA convention, the only republican to do so.

I’m not trying to diss any one candidate. just. something to think about it.

2 thoughts on “the politics of education

  1. This is very interesting information. I am a senior in high-school and have been homeschooled all of my life. I work as a volunteer for the Duncan Hunter campaign. I have some more info on the candidates and education at my website…

    We’re working hard to get our information out to other homeschoolers. Be sure to search for the ‘Open Letter to Homeschoolers’

    I thought you might find it interesting… thanks for your site!

    -SK Johnson

  2. Ron Paul believes that the federal government should have no involvement whatsoever with the school systems, and his voting record is consistent with his belief. He has also tried to pass legislation that would give tax breaks to parents to use for their children’s education- homeschoolers included. He always speaks very highly of homeschoolers and told me in the summer of 2006 that he believes that homeschooled children might be the last hope for America. Watch his video and read about his record at

    BTW, Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson both voted FOR No Child Left Behind, legislation that INCREASED the federal government’s role in education, and Mike Huckabee still believes that NCLB was good legislation. This is all documented fact-

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