I refuse to steal their innocence.

If I hear one more person say that I need to watch the innaugaration today, or that I need to have my kids watch it today, because it’s soooo historical…  I may just scream.

I even turned off twitter today, because every time I see, “oh, it’s soo historical!” flash across my screen, I feel the urge to punch something.

Let’s just get this clear.  Every Inauguration is historic. It’s not everyday someone takes the oath of office and becomes President of the United States. Why is this getting so much attention, just because the man taking the oath this time is black? I thought race wasn’t supposed to matter.  I’m frustrated, because I’ve been told I’m racist if I don’t support him, but isn’t it racist to elevate a person simply based on race?  Someone treid to tell me that I’d feel differently if it was a woman taking the office, and honestly, no.  I wouldn’t.  Race or sex shouldn’t matter, and to me it doesn’t.

Besides all that, my kids don’t see color, which is how it should be.  To tell them that today is such a big deal because he’s black is to wipe that out.  Because I would have to explain racism and the like in order to put this in perspective.  Like N1njetteBecks said,

“It sucks to have to explain why it’s important, if that makes sense. It’s like stealing their innocence and introducing them to the bigotry.”

Exactly. I don’t want to expose my kids to all that bigotry and hate. they can learn abt that stuff when they’re older, and more able to deal with the emotions.

Meanwhile, get over it already, ok?  He is who he is.  And now, he’s President.

1 thought on “I refuse to steal their innocence.

  1. My husband feels the exact same as you do. I’m torn. At some level, shouldn’t we recognize that a person of color has just been elected President? Given the history of our country, isn’t it just a little important?

    Although I will say that many of the commentators and the crowd have been extreme in playing up this particular aspect of the election and that has been annoying.

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