After winning the TechPac endorsement a few days ago, Ken Cuccinelli now has several more endorsements to talk about. Radio Talk show personality Mark Levin appeared with Mr. Cuccinelli at a rally in Sterling, VA on Constitution Day, September 14th, where he said;
“This is my county, this is my state, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to watch Terry McAuliffe be governor Virginia. If he want’s to run for governor of Maryland I’ll understand it. But this is Virginia and we have to draw a line somewhere in this country and we’re drawing it right here in Virginia!”
“If we lose this election, this individual running for governor will make Virginia a harder place to start a business or grow an existing one, and he will make it a harder place to innovate,” said Rubio, referring to McAuliffe but not mentioning his name.”
The entire CuJO (Cuccinelli, Jackson, Obenshain) ticket has also received the VCDL endorsement. From their Facebook page:
VCDL-PAC is pleased to announce its endorsement of Ken Cuccinelli for Governor, E.W. Jackson for Lt. Governor, and Mark Obenshain for Attorney General.
Collectively, AG Cuccinelli, E.W. Jackson, and Sen. Obenshain represent one of the strongest ever pro-second amendment tickets in recent Virginia history. From Sen. Cuccinelli’s and Sen. Obenshain’s carrying and patroning pro-second amendment bills, plus their numerous pro-second amendment votes while serving in the Virginia Senate, to E.W. Jackson’s
unabashed vocal stance for your individual rights, Virginia gun owners are in excellent shape. That is, if we can win and get them into office.
Guns Save Lives! VCDL Endorses Cuccinelli
The good news is, we still have some great friends in these three candidates. The bad news is, I haven’t seen a slate of Democrats more hostile to law-abiding gun owners since I left the People’s Republic of New Jersey in 1986. With a McAuliffe administration supported
financially by gun grabber Michael Bloomberg, “give me your bullets” Eric Holder, and turncoat Republicans calling for “common sense gun control”, Virginia gun owners could be facing not just a frustrating holding period for four years, but an outright disaster in the fight to preserve our gun rights.
A Lt. Governor Jackson provides Virginia gun owners with the tie breaking pro-gun vote in a toss up Senate. A Governor Cuccinelli provides a pro-second amendment signature to gun legislation and is not afraid to have gun bills come across his desk. Cuccinelli is a fighter
for individual rights and will not stand for back room games like those that have killed so many pro-second amendment bills over the years. An Attorney General Obenshain who, like Cuccinelli, is not afraid to carry a pro-second amendment bill, represents precisely the kind of leadership gun owners can trust in the Attorney General’s office.
I have it on good authority that forces within the Virginia Republican Party are trying to drive Virginia Republicans “to the center.” Make no mistake, this means throwing gun owners under the bus.
Being attacked by liberal Democrats is nothing new. Weak Republican Party leadership diluting party principles, combined with a Lt. Governor Northam breaking tie votes in favor of gun control would be disastrous. There is only one way to prevent it. We need decisive victories this November. Not just one, or a few, but a series of them, to show Virginia Republicans “Hey, principles matter, and I’m standing firm!” VCDL-PAC is non-partisan, but there is a decided attempt to shift, or more accurately, abandon stated Republican Party principles in favor of “pragmatism” and “common sense” gun control.
CONTACT the campaigns below and ask their grassroots coordinators what you can do to help turn out the vote and support the campaigns.
Cuccinelli for Governor: Noah Wall, Grassroots Coordinator, [email protected] 703-766-0635
Jackson for Lt. Governor: Daniel Bradshaw, [email protected] 757-802-4246
Obenshain for Attorney General: Chris Leavitt, Campaign Manager, [email protected] 804-482-0574
Please STEP UP and do what VCDL members do so well in showing their support all across the Commonwealth when it comes to your gun rights. We are all really going to need it this time. VCDL members are the firewall. It is a pleasure to be associated with such a diverse group
of citizens who care about our rights.
And finally, J. Christopher Sterns – who ran in the GOP Primary for the 14th District State Senate seat this last year – has posted this statement to his personal Facebook page:
I am a libertarian and I’m proud to support Ken Cuccinelli for Governor.
Libertarian Party candidate, Robert Sarvis, is an intelligent man and has good intentions, but the Republican Party of Virginia has nominated one of the most libertarian candidates in its modern history – and that’s Ken Cuccinelli.
Don’t feed into the propaganda from McAuliffe’s campaign. Ken isn’t a far-right extremist, but a defender of the rule-of-law and a principled believer in truly limited government.
We need lower taxes, less regulatory restrictions from Richmond and less government in our lives. The only candidate capable of making that a legitimate reality is Ken Cuccinelli.