A little-noticed section of the Wall Street reform law grants the federal government broad new powers to compel financial firms to hire more women and minorities — an effort at promoting diversity that’s drawing fire from Republicans who say it could lead to de facto hiring quotas.
Deep inside the massive overhaul bill, Congress gives the federal government authority to terminate contracts with any financial firm that fails to ensure the “fair inclusion” of women and minorities, forcing every kind of company from a Wall Street giant to a mom-and-pop law office to account for the composition of its work force.
via Feds demand diversity on Wall Street – Carrie Budoff Brown – POLITICO.com.
But here’s the kicker, Ms. Susan Collins, a RINO from Maine says:
“It is very sweeping, from my review of the legislation,” said Collins, who voted for the bill. “It talks not just about federal offices and agencies. It also talks about contractors and subcontractors, and so the implications are very unclear and can be read to require quotas, and that’s an entirely different and controversial debate and does not belong in the financial bill.”

Then why, why, why did you vote for this monstrosity?!?! This whole thing is just a mess! This was like HCR 2.0. Did she even bother to read the bill before she voted for it? If so, why vote yes on something that is full of things like this, that just don’t belong in a financial bill? ARRGGHH!
There are no clearly defined quotas, or standards of diversity. It’s up to whoever is in charge of implementing this nonsense – probably another soon-to-be-appointed Czar – to decide whether or not to enforce this Affirmative Action on these companies. This bit especially gets me:
forcing every kind of company from a Wall Street giant to a mom-and-pop law office to account for the composition of its work force.
So, essentially, if your office doesn’t meet up with some arbitrary idea of what a “diverse workforce” should be, someone needs to get fired so we can hire a different skin tone. How is that not racism?
And just where is this blatant racism coming from? Not Breitbart or the teaparties. Nope, it’s coming from the Federal Government.