This video explains exactly what happened and how so much better then I can write right now. So worth the 9 minutes. You have to check it out. [youtube][/youtube]
Author: TheKytiKat
Earth's last Eden meets American reality TV
Yup, I caught Survivor Gabon online a few days late because of satellite disruptions last Thursday. May I just say that Fang got pwned, srsly. I will miss Gillian’s soft …
The true reason "pro-choicers" are hating on Bristol Palin
I’ve seen a few places online where women, specifically pro-choice women, are just viscious in their attacks against Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin’s teenaged pregnant daughter, for her decision to marry …
I love this time of year.
This, the unhurried few days of fall, when the weather is just perfect & the holidays far enough away, this is the season I love. I love these months of …
Arrggh Matey!
Arrgghh… It be “Talk like a Pirate” day. So hie ye and get ye a pirate name. Mine be Bloody Felica Flint. It seems me super powers arr as follows: …
Tired of high gas prices? Thank these guys.
One would have thought that leading Democratic senators who claim to be interested in finding other sources of funding to replace American dollars in Iraq, in helping Iraq spend its …
LOST on the Fringe
I just watched both the pilot episode of Fringe, and the second show. Wow. This show is good, but then, I would expect nothing less of JJ Abrams. But After …
Outrage, myths, and nonsense.
The latest Obama ad, “Still”, pisses me off. I was going to link to it, but you know what, I’m not. Because I will not allow that tripe to air …
Waiting tables? Wha?
Not the weirdest dream I’ve ever had, but somehow, I was waitressing again. Weird indeed, because I hate waitressing with a passion. Was the Worst. Job. Ever. in the history …
I Remember
“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal.” an Irish Proverb quoted by Mayor Bloomberg, September 11, 2008. If you desire, you …