Guess what the UPS guy brought today??
Yup… that’s right. Our homeschool supplies arrived today. DS5 is super psyched already… Ever wondered what a year’s worth of Kindergarten looks like?? *S* here it is!
So there’s no backing out of this now. the stuff is here, time to make room for it in the office area, and really buckle down on some scheduling so I can be sure to have time for this come school time…
BTW, the box of history lessons was too wide for the shelf. It was long and thin to accomodate a map of the world… so it’s actually hiding behind the other boxes. At the moment, the stuff is on the baker’s rack… until I can figure out how to clear off shelf space here in the office area, or else add shelves… *sigh* homeschool, here we come…
You’ll thank yourself for all this when your child grows up normal and not into everything the public school kids are into.
thanks JD! *S* That’s a big part of why we are doing this…. Thankfully my DH has already said he will back me up and help out however possible… *S* He’s such a sweetie…. *S*
Your son is one lucky little boy! You will be a wonderful homeschool teacher ~ absolutely no doubt about that. I’ll look forward to hearing about this new adventure in your life.
Thanks PianoGirl! *S* You will definitely hear about it! *S*