I just can’t believe it.

How? How did this happen?


Ok.  I know how, how.  But. My tubes are tied!  This wasn’t supposed to happen!  I can’t possibly be…  I mean… the last one was so hard on my whole family…  and the only reason it worked was because my dad could take so much time off work!!  How are we going to do this now?  I just don’t know…  10 weeks of bedrest, at least…  I’m so not ready for this.  Seriously.  I mean… I’m really happy about this, but for real…  how are we going to be able to handle this??  I guess the boys will have to have bunk beds…  I’ll have to get that crib back from mom…  Oh man… I just don’t know if I handle this…  good grief, the three I have already are enough of a challenge… I mean..  for real…  how am I going to handle four?  Hats off to those that do…  I just don’t know if I’m cut out for it…  and oh crap!  how in the heck…   *sigh*  guess I’d better just get used to the idea huh??

Damn.   How did this happen?

Good grief…   *sigh*  guess there is only one thing I really can say right now…  however this happened…  God must have planned it.  So somehow I will be able to handle it, and I will not lose my ever lovin’ mind, and I will tell ya’ll one last thing…  April Fools!!!  *S*  Seriously.  No way.

Ok.. but if you really want to watch some cool pranks today, check out this video. (embedding not allowed.  Click to see it.)
oh the fun.  the hilarity…  seriously, you will be rolling on the floor.  check it out.

2 thoughts on “I just can’t believe it.

  1. Well, you really had me going there for a minute!!! LOL Actually, I know someone who had twins after “something” permanent was done…I don’t remember if she’d had her tubes tied, or if her hubby had a vasectomy. Needless to say, whoever had not been “fixed” got fixed pretty promptly after that surprise!!!

  2. Holy crap girl, you had me going! I was just bowled over that you were pregnant and then April fools. You got me. How are you?

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes