Life on God's Ant Farm


Did I creep you out yet? Don’t worry, I promise, no more insect photos for the rest of this blog!

So much has happened in the past week. I literally hardly had time to breathe, let alone blog. So a brief recap…

Sunday the 16th, the power in my DS2’s room was out. No where else. Just his room. General consensus (read: my mom, my awesome neighbor guy, and myself) was that the storm had done something wacky to the outlet in the yard next to the house, and it must have messed with DS2’s room. Neighbor guy informed me that the whole neighborhood has a massive problem with ants…. Start spraying the house, and good luck with that! Gee… Thanks. We also began a new tradition… Pizza and Game night! (formerly Pizza and Movie night)


Monday the 17th, still no power… we went out for diapers though, cuz without my wingman here to keep me flying steady, I forget all kinds of things, like the laundry, and apparently the diapers…. came home to find the picture above – Ants pouring in from under the stove. It would take two days to completely seal it up and keep them from coming back. Also, DD began to learn how to write, thanks in part ot a Princess book we found at the mall.


Tuesday the 18th, still no power, so I gave in and called in an electrician. I was scheduled for Wed. Morning. Meanwhile, Ants found their way up the back of the paneling and onto my “diner window”. a little carpet fresh poured down the paneling discouraged them from coming back. I also managed to get a new filing system in place for the paperwork, and tamed that huge monster….

Wednesday the 19th, the electrician showed up and presto! there was power. Dude was awesome. He totally rocked. Then while removing the outlet outside in the yard, to relocate it to the side of the house, ants poured out of the outlet. seriously. It was gross. That’s when I decided. This development was built at the top of God’s Ant Farm. But then “Yuke Kywalker” showed up with his “Yite Sader”….


Accompanied by Darth Vader…


and it was just too funny. I also used power tools! *S*


I hung my mesh inbox, seen behind me. Credit to my DS6 for the photo. he’s getting good! (but, yea… I used some PSCS2 actions to get the sepia background effect)

Thursday the 19th, I woke up with a crushing chest pain. Spent the day in my jammies, trying not to move unless nescesary cuz ouch! Then the ants invaded the living room carpet by the sliding glass door. And here’s a tip… when an ant laughs at your vacuum, it’s time for a new one. Yup. that’s right. my vacuum died completely. So off to the store with all of us to get a new one. And it’s a thing of beauty.


Friday the 20th, again with the chest pain. At first I freaked, because..  You know.  But I felt better about it after I realized that DS2 had nailed me with one of his football-esque tackles. Note to DS2 – Mommy is not a tackle dummy, despite what you think! *S* Then the ants returned, and I set out Combat Quick Kill ant traps. The ants laughed at my attempt to irradicate them, and continued to march around my carpet again. So after a few choice words, I picked up the traps, and sprinkled a layer of carpet fresh over the whole carpet just before bed.

Saturday the 21st, Vac’ed the carpet in the AM when we woke up, then spent the rest of the day with yard work. but during my breaks, DS6 drew this:


a Pic of Ds6 and Daddy.

and DD4 wrote this:


and not only wrote the letters, knew what letters they were! AWESOME!

So that’s caught you up on our life…. As you can see, it’s been a busy week. but it just wouldn’t be complete without a visit from Stormtrooper C-3PO*!


*Courtesy of DS2.

3 thoughts on “Life on God's Ant Farm

  1. Hey Lorraine. If all else fails, I’ve read that if you sprinkle cornmeal down where you see the ants they’ll eat it. But they are unable to digest it and ultimately die (and learn not to come back). I haven’t tried it…we also have ants in Hawaii, but figured it’s worth a try. Take care.

  2. I had heard that too.. looked it up and it doesn’t work… the carpet fresh seems to have done the job…. that and sealing out the cracks where they enter. *S* Thanks for the tip though!

  3. OMG, Lorraine! They are getting so big. I remember when Your littlest one was a couple months old. Man are they getting so cute too. They are out growing their babyness. I miss you guys. Keep up the geat work. 🙂

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