so tired…

I’ve been soo worn out the past few nights… Heck! I fell asleep during Survivor! one of my all time fav TV shows! Lucky I recorded it, so today I will get to play catch up and watch Survivor, CSI, and Numb3rs. ESP since I’m not very mobile right now, due to being done in by a toy.

I keep meaning to blog about the season opener of Survivor. Personally, I think they played up the “race” thing way too much. I really didn’t see what the big deal was.  Maybe I’ll snatch DH’s laptop and spend some quality time with my TV, the Laptop, and my blog this afternoon.

Til then, I really need to try to get my office set up.  I know I’m gimpy right now, but still… all these piles are driving me crazy.

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes