SOS – 2.19

Finally someone questions all the DHARMA brand food!

Shows opens with Bernard, aka Rose’s husband and the island dentist, declaring doesn’t it seem odd that this food with wierd labeling just appeared out of nowhere? He’s freaking out over the fact that the LOSTies seem to have given up hope of being rescued. Turns out Bernard is a “Do-er” and is not satisfied with just letting things be as Rose suggested. He tries to organize a bunch of people, including Jin and Hurley, to create this huge sign on the beach. He declares that the food was dropped in by parachute, and that parachute means there must have been an airplane, and that they need to make a big enough sign to be seen by airplanes or sattelite. Problem is, he’s a freakin’ perfectionist, and well… considering he’s a dentist, he has absolutley zero people skills. Once he informs the 5 or so people who are willing to help that they will have to lug huge hunks of lava a half mile through the jungle, he winds up with only Jin. That is until he yells at Jin, and Jin says in Korean, fine, do it yourself then! and stalks off.

Meanwhile, via flashbacks, we learn that Rose and Bernard met when he helped her get her car out of a snowbank, then a few months later, Bernard declares that after batchin’ it for 56 years, he finally wants to get hitched, and Rose is the lucky woman… That’s when Rose drops the bomb on him. She’s been in remission for the last several years, but it’s back, and this time, it’s terminal. Doctor said she’s got a year, maybe more. Bernard insists he wants to marry her anyway, and then drags her to a faith healer in the Austrailian Outback for their honeymoon, cuz he can’t accept that she’s gonna die, and he’s got to do something! He paid 10 grand to get her an appointment. Rose about loses it, and declares she’s made her peace, why can’t he? Well honey, he hasn’t had several years of dealing with this to get to the same point you have now has he? Anyway, the healer tells her that certain places in the earth give off energy, he thinks maybe magnetic, but isn’t sure. Then he begins the reading, only he totally wigs out on Rose, reminiscient of Claire’s psychic in season 1. The healer says he can’t do anything. “This is not the right place for you.” Hint Hint, you think?? Rose declares that he can keep the moeny, and that she is going to tell Bernard he cured her. Mostly cuz she does not want to spend the last year of her life chasing down cures that aren’t going to work.

Back on the island, Rose finally reveals to Bernard that she *feels* different. Ever since they crashed. She says when you have stuff growing inside that doesn’t belong, you know it’s there. and that’s how she’s knows it’s gone.

Meanwhile, in “Hatchland” Locke is racking his brain trying to remember the map, and totally blocks out the alarm until Jack is all, Dude, that’s loud man, turn it off already. Jack reveals to Not-Henry, that he’s headed into the jungle to the line they aren’t supposed to cross, and try to trade Not-Henry for Walt. Not-Henry breaks his two day silence to laugh and declare that they will *never* give up Walt. Jack leaves, and AnaL gives him the only gun they have, outside of Saywer’s stash, where ever that is. Then Locke, with his leg tied to a stick to serve as a cast for the fracture he got in “LockeDown” limps over and demands to be let in to see Not-Henry. AnaL is not havin it since she doesn’t have a gun anymore. Locke yells through the door, begging Not-Henry to tell him if he pushed the button or not. Not-Henry has that totally creepy look that makes me feel like I need to shower, cuz.. ick!
Meanwhile, in “Adventures with Others” Jack takes Kate on a trek through the jungle to try to negotiate a trade for Walt. They’re out there for a long time, and wind up making camp, because Jack is detiremined to stay there until Mr Friendly aka Zach aka the leader of the “Others” comes out to talk. Just when it looks like they are gonna start making out by the fire, something is crashing through the jungle, carrying a torch, and grunting and groaning like something else is pushing him around. the drama builds as a body falls out of the jungle, and Kate and Jack roll him over to reveal Michael! yup! Michael is back!

the show ends with Rose finding Locke in her “thinking spot” and he’s all anxious about the fact that his leg will take a few months to heal. Rose looks him in the eye and says, now you know that’s not true, it won’t take near that long. Flashback! As Rose is fumbling for her meds in her purse in the airport, she drops them. We see a set of wheels pull up and a hand reaches down to pick up the meds. Sure enough, it’s wheelchair bound Locke.

I think it’s interesting that the Healer mentioned Magnetic fields, esp since that is one of the major theories floating around the LOST boards.

The preview for next epi looks great. Michael comes back and insists that the others are poorly armed, and he knows where they live, and dang it, he needs to get Walt back, so mount up everyone!

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