Uh Oh! She's talking to herself…. again!

Today’s reading encourages us to talk to ourselves.  To have a dialogue with our inner self, and get that voice in our head to shut up, Sarah recommends writing.  no fancy journals, just a piece of notebook paper and a pen and write….  get all the crud floating around in your head onto the paper and see what happens.

Maybe it’s just me… but whenever I hear something along the lines of “dialogue with yourself” I am reminded of my mother.  She used to do just that, converse with herself, in two or sometimes three very loud, very different voices.  and if that wasn’t funny enough, she used to say you know it’s bad when you get into an arguement with yourself, and lose.  *S*

No…. my mother isn’t crazy…  Well, not nuthouse crazy anyway…  crazy like 3 kids and a daycare for 20+ years,….  maybe!  But life was always fun!  And me…..  Well…. it must be in the genes, although so far, my internal arguements have managed to stay just that…  internal.  Probably because I write, but who knows?  I’ll have to report back in, say, 10 years?  when my baby hits those teen years……..

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes