Gratitude 5!

1. Blogger – cuz it’s free!
2. – cuz I can get rid of my clutter, free! *S*
3. RSS Popper – an RSS feed reader add-on for Outlook. Makes keeping up with my favorite bloggers oh so much easier. ( )
4. Yahoo Groups – cuz it’s free! and cuz it’s a great way to keep in contact with my friends and family. *S*
5. Free Scrapping Stuff – DUH! cuz it’s free! Seriously, I totally appreciate the amount of time designers have to put into creating their free gifts. In my opinion Digital Scrappers get WAY too much free stuff. It’s made many scrappers take it for granted, in fact even come to expect it. Thank you, fellow designers. Thank you for all your fun free stuff. *S*

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes