I'm happy… are you?

S o I’m generally pretty happy with where my life is right now… the point in today’s reading reading was that while most women know just what needs to be done to make their family and friends happy, they usually are clueless when it comes to themselves… and by the way, what makes you happy, and how happy are right now?
Well, at this precise second, I would be happiest being back in my bed, sleeping off this yucky cold…. But… in all honesty, I’d miss my time to read and blog…. so… yea, even though I feel like crap, I’m glad I’m down here, typing away.
So what makes me happy?
Writing. I’ve always loved writing. I may not be the best at it…. but I love it anyway. Back in High school, I wrote a whole book. Even started on a sequel… *S* not sure how good it was, but maybe someday I’ll finally get the guts to have it published, even if I have to do it myself.
Designing, graphics or websites, take your pick. That thrill of looking at something and knowing that I created it. *S* There is just such an awesome feeling, espcially when I see my work in someone else’s layout… To know that someone else loves my stuff enough to buy it and use it… wow.
Scrapbooking. I love recording all the memories I have. I love the look on my kids faces as they flip through the books in awe at the photos of them as babies. I love when they ask me to read them “the book about me.”
Decluttering. I love getting rid of the crap that seems to build up around here. I can always feel a huge sigh of relief, like a weight being lifted off my shoulders when I know I’ve gotten rid of a bunch of crap…
Geneology is pretty fun too. Ok, ok, so I may be a geek… but how cool is it to know that your mom’s side of the family, who everyone thought was german, is actualy dutch, not just dutch, but almost dutch royalty. And that just 2 generations later, that same side of the family had people invovled in a scandal in new york (back in the 1800’s) and that for a little while at least, the family owned most of present day New York. *S* Or finding out that your husband’s side of the family basically help to found Mexico, and his great uncle was even instrumental in the revolution under Poncho Villa… Well…. that is until Villa shot him. *S*
So there it is. Five things that make me happy. *S* So I ask you? what makes you happy?

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