Suffolk City Council modus operandi in action


This video is from the Feb 20, 2013 Public Hearing on the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). This hearing perfectly demonstrates City Council modus operandi. None of the documentation released by the city on the Seaboard Coastline trail mentioned the grant funding came from the Federal government, via the Federal Highway Administration. Only that the it comes from VDOT, when VDOT is merely the middle man for this money.

Citizens of Suffolk, the city council has made a habit of releasing only the bare minimum of information about the goings-on in Suffolk. When the citizenry dare to question them, they use the information they’ve withheld to do whatever they can to make the citizens look foolish and ignorant. How much longer will we put up with this?

**Full disclosure – I am the Lorraine seen in the video, I am Suffolk HRTP’s social media person. Comments I made at the Council were previously discussed at the Suffolk HRTP bi-monthly meeting, and some of the ideas mentioned were suggested at our meeting. However, comments to Council were my own, I was not speaking on behalf of Suffolk HRTP at that moment.

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