Wow. So much has broken in the past few days, it feels like we are being purposefully swamped with one thing after another to keep us yelling, “Squirrel!” Honestly, my head is spinning trying to keep up with all the different scandals, and boy howdy are there plenty of scandals. They keep rolling in all Fast And Furious like. Heh, see what I did there? Fast and Furious is still UNRESOLVED, and the families of Brian Terry, Jamie Zapata, and countless Mexicans deserve answers from AG Eric Holder & the Obama Administration. Answers they very likely will never get.
The EPA apparently charged conservative groups for FOIA requests, but “forgave” the fee for any liberal groups that asked for information. They’ve also been looking the other way A LOT when it comes to wind farms killing endangered birds.
There’s Umbrella-gate, where the President had a couple of United States Marines break their uniform code to hold umbrellas over his head & the head of the Turkish Prime Minister. In a stunning display of disrespect for the Marines. he actually said he wanted them because, “They’ll look good next to us.” (Video is at the link.)
Kathleen Sebulius over at Health and Human Services has been exposed for leaning on companies the HHS does business with and “encouraging” them to donate to non-profit organizations that have been helping to implement Obamacare.
The DOJ seized phone records of reporters at the AP (Associated Press), both work and personal phones. The official story is that they were trying to track down the source of a dangerous leak that compromised national security. The truth – the AP sat on the story for 5 days before getting the all clear from the CIA. The Obama Admin was upset that AP stole their thunder by publishing when they did. The scariest part of this story though, is not the AP records seizure. It’s that the records could be seized without notifying anyone because the phone company was considered a “third party”. Think about what this means for all that information being stored in the cloud, and how more and more we are being pushed into storing our information in the cloud by companies like Microsoft & Google, both of which are well known for working with the government whenever they get asked.
Then there is the IRS targeting of conservative groups, like our very own Hampton Roads Tea Party. But as we quickly found out, it wasn’t just conservative groups, but religious groups, Jewish groups, and even some reporters who had dared to ask a tough question before the election. In the case of Larry Connors of MO, not only was he likely targeted, he was forced to read a retraction on air, he has been thrown under the bus and kicked off the air by the parent company of his station, because it’s run by Obama sympathizers. Despite the administration’s pathetic attempt at a narrative claiming this was some rouge operatives in the lower levels of the IRS’s Cincinnati office, top officials within the IRS knew about this since at least 2011. And if that’s not enough, the word is out now that the woman in charge of the Non-Profit Approval division has not only NOT been fired, but she was promoted! She’s now in charge of the Obamacare division of the IRS. Seriously folks, you can’t make this stuff up.
But all of those are just the A-1 Steak Sauce of this meal. The Benghazi scandal is the real meat and potatoes. Four dead Americans, and a HUGE coverup. Enough of the emails have been released to thoroughly disprove the administration’s narrative. They claimed that only 1 small edit was made to the talking points by the executive branch (which includes the State Dept), but evidence now shows that the White House was involved in edits so drastic, the then-chief of the CIA said, “Frankly, I’d just as soon not use this[.]” We’ve also discovered that the brother of a White House Official tied to the Benghazi scandal is non other than the President of CBS News.
It’s no wonder my head is reeling. But realize this, Benghazi was covered up to protect the President just months before the 2012 elections. The IRS targeted groups ahead of the election, making it hard for them to do business. The AP was likely investigated because they blew Obama’s planned victory dance, just months before the election. And the IRS, EPA, HHS, & AP scandals were all released, back-to-back, to provide distraction from testimony of the survivors of the terror attack at the Benghazi Consulate. To top it all off, a Drudge Report editor claims his source at the CIA says there will be more.
FYI: CIA source says still one more shoe to drop. Yes, four shoes. Dead ambassador, tapped phones, IRS probes. Will it be worse? Can it be?!
— joseph curl (@josephcurl) May 14, 2013
Wonder what will be next?
(Cross posted at Suffolk HRTP)