This was on the official Obama campaign Tumblr account:
Because, as a woman nothing else matters, right? Certainly not:
Fast & Furious.
16 Trillion in debt. (That’s $16,000,000,000,000.00!!!)
8+% Unemployment that is really 16% unemployment.
The Obama Administration lying to the American People about the Benghazi Terrorist attack.
Obama’s Attorney General having ties to the Black Panthers & possibly terrorism.
I could go on, and on, and on, and on. But I don’t have enough time right now.

But according to our President’s campaign – the same campaign that has made a 30-something activist law student the star of their campaign because she wants the government to pay for her birth control – according to the President’s campaign, women are nothing more than their “lady parts” and the only issue that matters is Birth Control (read: Abortion).
So, the democrats see me as nothing but a giant walking vay-jay-jay, but it’s the Republicans who don’t respect women and are waging a War on Women?