This is where I duck my head as I shamefully admit… We have not been to Church since April. “But but but!!” I want to shout…. I want to explain, …
Author: TheKytiKat
The Air Conditioning Saga
Ok, so this start way back in April. You see, we had several hot days and needed to turn on the AC. But it wasn’t cooling the house. This is …
Parenting FAIL.
So… I thought I was doing a decent job of this whole Internet Safety thing… Then I found out today the and both have been linking to a …
Better pack your space suit.
BigBoy comes up with some of the funniest tidbits of information at the strangest moments. This morning was a perfect example. While fidgeting in his chair and pretending to eat …
Easter blessings
Overheard today: “Yea! Today is Easter!” – said at varying times by all members of the house. “Mom is our Mrs. Easter Bunny. Dad is our Mr. Easter Bunny. And …
"Daddy already did."
“I love you Mommy,” My 5 year old son says with his arms wrapped around my neck. It’s 8:30pm, and I’m tucking him into bed. This is one of my …
Redefining "Normal"
“Normal.” You know… that word has always bothered me. I mean, who decided what was normal and what wasn’t? Somewhere in the attic I have a philosophy paper I wrote …
AI: Auditions continue
So… yea. You know the deal. A bunch of losers, a few winners, and every winner has a sob story. *sigh* I’m tired of recapping these things already. Although I …
AI: Chicago Auditions
Chase-playing tonight, cuz I was busy rejoicing over Scott Brown’s win in Massachusetts. Awesome! Shania! “Man! I feel like a woman!” Dude. I lurve her music. So… now we’re done …
AI: the ATL auditions
Ok… so Mary J Blige is in the house! Awesome! I adore her song “Fine“. First dude out is stiff, and wooden, and singing his own “original” song… He starts …