Something about this just struck me. The little boy, with no shirt, no shoes, and the undies sticking a half inch over his shorts. Armed with a bike helmet & …
Author: TheKytiKat
the other 3 musketeers…
Let me introduce you to the other 3 musketeers in our house. On the far left there, with the pretty white trim, is Odina. She’s my baby. She’s my workhorse. …
Security Blankets
BigBoy’s security blanket is not a “Blanket” at all. He will probably never realize just how hard it is for me to give my father’s NY Giants sweatshirt, the on …
Insane in the membrane
how stupid is this: “We could save all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups. You’d actually …
I beg to differ.
Ok, so there’s been a bit of drama over the NY Times piece in the style section about Blogher. I understand the anger about being relegated to the style page …
Time Management
After watching this man’s “Last Lecture” last night, I watch his time management one this morning. Boy do I need to work on some of these things!! Here’s the video, …
Finding the Tigger trapped in the Eeyore.
So last night, I saw something on MamaPop about Randy Pausch. See, I had been hearing about him, and how sad it was that he died. But I never knew …
My source of Strength
When my heart was embittered And I was pierced within, Then I was senseless and ignorant; I was {like} a beast before You. Nevertheless I am continually with You; You …
I need a break.
Fo real. I am just worn out. The weather is dreary and my soul is weary. Sometimes, I just want to get in the car and drive. Of course, these …
Smile – Tooth = Growing up.
Geek boy lost one of his top teeth yesterday. Not the one he cracked when he was 2, and we were told would fall out be the time he was …