I was hoping morning would bring some relief from the backaches and yuck AF brings… ha ha! more like the exact opposite! *sigh* I shoulda known… it’s been a few months since I’ve had one of those really bad ones…. Not to mention my mood swings have the family at defcon1. *sigh* I’m okay as long as I keep on the midol… I luv midol… without it I turn into the white witch from Narnia (read the books! she way more scarier in the books!)… Midol rocks!
And guess what? Turns out, DS2 gets carsick! fun fun fun. not on straightways.. but when there is a lot of curves and twists… and if you ever look at this area on a map… it’s almost nothing but on ramps, off ramps, and bridges… fun fun fun…. he’s been barfing all evening. poor guy… seems like if we move him at all, he barfs again… fun fun fun….
Did I ever tell you of the total awsomeness that is midol??
Meanwhile, of the seven houses we saw today, not one really jumped up and grabbed us, you know? There was the one in the ghetto-licious part of town, and three with yards so soggy, we almost drowned on the way up to the front door. There was the one with the kitchen in the master bedroom, seriously, there was a real kitchen, and then a mini kitchen in the bedroom, like I need that kind of encouragement to eat more. No thanks! Oh, and there there was the sweet little gem of a house, a 5 bedroom steal at under 240K, that just happened to be situated right next to the local biker club. And I don’t mean Lance Armstrong type bikers either… NEXT!
The day was not a total loss though… afterall.. I did get this photo of this awesomely cool sign:
And did I mention that I love Midol?
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