1. Warm Weather! – so we can finally get out of the house. Now picture me with my fingers in my ears saying “Lalalalala, Lalalalala” a La the Lancome lady from SNL when the weatherman starts talking about more cold this weekend. *S*
2. Good neighbors – I love having good nieghbors I can talk to. *S*
3. Lots of neighbor kids – cuz it means my rugrats have plenty of friends to chase around the neighborhood. They all sleep better after days like today.
4. LOST – cuz I am so in love with that TV show. I missed Season 1. anyone have the DVDs?? I’d love to borrow them! I think maybe I’ll hold a fundraising sale soon, and see if I can’t earn the 50$ it would cost to buy the DVDs… *S* I soo need to season 1!
5. Comments! – nothing is more encouraging to a blogger than to know that people actually read what they wrote! *S*