Effective Immediately! all three of my blogs have been combined to one!
You can now read Kat’s Skraps, Improving Me, and Random Thoughts at:
I made the switch to Word Press. took about two days, and I’m sure I’ll
keep fudging with the images… but finally! a blog that will do
everything I want it to! I can email in both my posts and images. I can
have categories set up… o the fun! Everything I wanted to be able to do
with Blogger, but couldn’t!! *S* I will be deleting my Blogger sites in a
few weeks, so please, update your book marks!
So check out the new blog! *S* and enjoy!
Congrats on the new Addy and the condensation!
BTW Tag You’re It!
I already got this one! *S* find my answers at – http://www.yuriar.com/wp/?p=165