“It means no worries… for the rest of your days! Hakuna Matata!”
Today’s reading boils down to this….. Stop worrying! Stop adding to all the drama in your life. Quit running worst-case scenarios in your head, and start looking for the joy in any situation. The Bible teaches us in Matthew 6:25-34 not to worry about whatever might happen tomorrow… Instead, realize that God loves you. If He will clothe the fields in beautiful flowers, and care for even the sparrows, of course he will care for you and meet your needs. and I love Verse 34 – “So do not worry about tomorrow; For tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Boy aint that the truth!
So here’s to finding the joy in life…. No more drama… no more worst-case scenario building…. just…
Hakuna Matata! *S*
Category: Simple Abundance,