Because I’ve been wallowing in the pit of self-pity and despair for far too long… I give you my feeble attempt to try to pull myself out.. by focusing on the good in my life. There are the usual suspects, DH, the kids, house, etc. But here are a few other things…
- a steady paycheck – as much as I am not completely enthralled with navy life right now, at least I know the money will be there every month. An important thought as I prepare myself to pay the bills.
- the internet – a great resource, not just for research and news, but for friends as well.
- twitter – I feel closer to my middle sister than I have been in years thanks to Twitter. If you want to check out my tweets, try
- Tylenol Cold and Sinus – because when I wake up with a sinus headache from H E double hockey sticks, nothing else works as well.
- my notebook – because I make my lists, and write out things not fit for the internet, and as much as DH teases me about it, I don’t think I’d do very well without it.
So what’s yours?