In the on-going struggle to keep my site off of EIG’s crappy servers, I recently had to move my whole site to a new host. Usually, moving servers is a huge hassle of backing things up, uploading to a new site, unpacking, and weeks of tweaking to make sure things are still working right. This time was different tho. Luckily, I had a friend on the inside (Shout out to SD-Dubs!) at my last host who helped me get out, and get my site moved to a new host so quickly, so efficiently… I’m really surprised at how easy this move went. It went so smooth, nobody even noticed. We didn’t even have any email downtime! Amazing! And this all went down while I was busy with the kitchen renovation, so that tells you just how much my friend helped.
Anyway, now that the kitchen is done, and my site is moved, I’ll probably tweak a few things here and there anyway, because that what all site admins do. Nothing drastic, just a few subtle changes I had planned to do a long time back, but never found the time or energy.
In the meantime, have a look over at the Genealogy section, especially if you are a Yuriar! I’ve done a lot of work over there. I still have more to do, but that’s the story of every genealogist’s life. There is always more research and documentation to be done. I’m still hoping to get some more work done on my book about the Hardenburgs. But first, I’ve got to get ready for the next year of Aprendemos Academy. My oldest is starting 11th grade this year! Yikes! How time has flown. Homeschooling through High School has been easier in some ways, and harder in others. But that’s a post for another day.