I've been busy…

Well, I’ve been blogging, ALOT.  Just not here.  Check out Conserva-Kat, my political blog.

I’ve also been busy around the house.  You see, I lost my focus about a month ago.  I just could not concentrate on anything for a long period of time.  One day, I looked around at all the clutter that had built up over the last few months while I was off my feet.  Maybe this was the source of my distraction, and really… I’d had enough… So, I went on a huge cleaning kick and cleaned out three closets, the office, kitchen, living room, & my bedroom.  Clutter was evicted!

I also painted my bathroom.  Finally.  It’s the last room in the house to be re-done since we moved in.  Took us almost 2 years to get to it, but it’s done.  I got all artsy even, and took a bunch of photos to put up in frames in the bathroom.  This one is my fav:

Shaving Cream

Check out the whole set here.

So…  yea.  I’ve been busy.  But hopefully things will settle back down around here and I will find my focus again.

1 thought on “I've been busy…

  1. Wow, u have been doing a great job, I am so proud of u. You are my inspiration, I love u with all of my heart…! I AM PROUD OF YOU…! Thank you for all tht u do….!

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes