It's almost a forest around here.

So, It’s that time of year again. Christmas. A time for Peace on Earth, Charlie Brown specials, shopping, and of course….


The decor really hasn’t changed much since last year, although my attitude has.  At least this year doesn’t feel as stressed or grief-ridden, it’s true that time heals all wounds. But enough with the Debbie Downer ‘tude.  Time to crank the tunes and show you around!

First up, there’s been a slight change in the kitchen decor, which I’m sure you are just itching to see, right?

Baker's Rack - all prettied up

I know.  Mind blowing, huh? For what it’s worth, the barking dog is on the top shelf purely for my own sanity.  If I have to hear one more fight over who gets to push the stupid button, the barking dog may find himself singing on the streets for his next set of batteries.

But, moving on…  This is my absolute favorite addition to our festive decor this year:

Christmas lights on a palm tree

Yup.  Christmas lights, on a palm tree.  Ok, those of you with palm trees in your regions are all, “Yea, ok.. big deal.”  But there is a story to this.  See, our second Christmas together, DH & I went to visit his family in California right around Christmas time.  I’ve been an East Coaster all my life, and was absolutely blown away by Christmas lights on a palm tree.  I mean, sure, I’d seen it on TV…  But to see it in real life up close and personal…  Well, it’s hard to explain. But when I saw the palm tree waving at me in the Walmart craft/fake flower department, well, I just knew what I wanted to do with it. *S*

So anyway, moving on… There is of course the mantle, with it’s new addition – the Nutcracker.

Stockings were hung by the chimney with care

What’s that?  Yes!  The photo frames have been filled with photos of actual family members!  Thank you for noticing.  By the way, the tree is right behind you…

This year's tree

The tree is decked out in an array of homemade & store-bought ornaments, but each one has it’s own story. Someday I’ll get around to creating a scrapbook of sorts with all the stories.   This year, the kids are old enough, and behaved enough, that we let them put the gifts they choose for each other under the tree already.


The kids each have their trees up, of course.

GeekBoy’s Tree:

GeekBoy's tree

thePinkDiva’s tree:

thePinkDiva's tree

BigBoy’s Tree:

Big Boy's Tree

And for those of you who were here last year, the answer is Yes.  Yes, we found the Veggie Tale Manger Scene for BigBoy’s room!

the Veggie Tales Manger scene

Well, that’s about it.  Oh, there is this sign, that my kids just absolutely adore:

My kids love this sign

Thanks for coming!  Hope you enjoyed the tour.  How about a piece of warm Gingerbread cake before you head on your way? (No recipe, I make mine straight out of the box.)

Can I interest you in some gingerbread?

Now go check out BooMama’s for more Christmas-y goodness!

6 thoughts on “It's almost a forest around here.

  1. What a delight to “make the tour” of your home and see the warmth of Christmas displayed in each picture. Wish I were close enough to stop by and visit with you and the kids for a bit. BTW, my personal philosophy is that any food product is “homemade” if my hands take the box off the shelf at the grocery store and put it in the cart, and then open up the box and mix according to directions on the back of the box when I get it home!

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