
About a week or so ago, I went through the little guy’s room and tossed a garbage bag full of old toys and other garbage. Today, I went through GeekBoy’s room with similar results.

I’m trying… I really am… I prolly wouldn’t bother making a dinner if it weren’t for the kids. I’d consider taking the kids out… but, considering I just did the bills for the next month and created a new budget, I don’t want to blow my new budget on the first day… you know??

I just feel… Crushed. Emotionally. Spiritually. Crushed.

I literally just want to pull the covers over my head and sleep for the rest of the night, or month, or year even.

I try. For my kid’s sake. I try to put on a smile. Reality is, I feel so dead inside… and the constant backtalk and bickering… UGH! There are times when I find myself wishing to ship one or more of them off to Gramma’s for a week just so I could have some peace around here.

I want to curl up and have a good cry. I hate crying. it turns my face all shades of red, makes my nose run, and always leaves me with a massive headache.

I’ll get through.  Somehow, I always do.

1 thought on “crushed.

  1. I feel you. I wish I could just lay in bed and watch TV and not have to “parent” even if it were only for a day. I know that sounds awful, but it’s the truth unfortunately. I need to just be refreshed, but how?

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes