Not for me, I’m already hitched, duh! Last Saturday, Bing popped the question. MomoTenshi and Bing are gettin’ hitched! Woo Hoo! It’s about time! Here’s a pic of the happy couple that I stole from my Sista’s FlickR:

And I’m helping out with the planning! Of course, all this wedding stuff has me thinking about my own wedding, 9 and a half years ago. And how I did nothing to plan it, literally. I’ve already done more planning for this one, trying to help my sis pull it all together then I did for my own. I feel for my parents now. I remember mom would ask me, what about this? and I’d tell her, “whatever. I really didn’t care, as long as I got hitched at the end of the day.” Well, I did get hitched… but only after some fantastic acrobatics by my parents to pull off the wedding. I think we gave them 3 month notice to pull it together. And it was beautiful by the way.

Did I mention that my Sis has asked me to be the photographer? AHHH! Talk about performance anxiety.. So I’m reading up and learning all I can. Because Nani and theAnnoyingPenguin have already stated they intend to marry once he’s through the nursing program (sidebar: pray for AnnoyingPenguin. he *must* pass the program!)… So I figure I’ll have two weddings to photo in the coming months… Might as well learn all about it now.
I’m not completely without experience though. I appointed myself photographer at my Sister-in-law’s wedding over 2 years ago when I found out the photog. they had wasn’t going to be at the ceremony. The scrapbooker in me simply couldn’t let the ceremony pass undocumented. I wound up looking like a japanese tourist with my camera, my FIL’s camera, and the Groom’s fathers camera hanging around my neck, trying to get pictures with all of them for everybody. I did an ok job. I missed a few key things because I didn’t know how some of the cameras worked very well, and all. But overall, at least I they have photos.

So now that I’ve had my trial-by-fire, I’m reading up and learning all the nuance and whatnot of wedding photography. I’m learning more about lighting, creating mood, and just how much wedding photography is actually psychology. I’m also going to teach GeekBoy about cameras so I can turn him loose with DH’s cam and let him be my “assistant”. I can’t wait to see what the wedding looks like from a 6 year old’s perspective.
Meanwhile, PinkDiva gets to be our model while we learn more about the art of photography. She’s just excited because she gets to be the flower girl.

Did I mention that the wedding will be October 8th. 2007. As in, 38 days from now! AHHH! So if I’m quiet, or just post photos for a while, you know why… *S*
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