I hate sewing. Hate. It. It’s not my best talent. I can not sew a straight line to save my own life. I get nervous and jittery every time I have to sew. I stress out.
So why, oh why, did I agree to sew not one, but three blankets? That little face. That’s why.
Lil’Chicano was heartbroken when his big brother wouldn’t let him play with big brother’s blanket (one that a neighbor from our last station made for him). So I promised the boy we’d go pick out some fabric and Mommy would make him a blanket of his very own. Well, I can’t make one for him, and not one for the PinkDiva. And when we got to the store, GeekBoy declared he’d rather have a Star Wars blanket anyway. Of course, if GeekBoy gets a Star Wars blanket, Lil’Chicano must have one too, because he is soo into that monkey see, monkey do stage. That’s how I wound up agreeing to sew three blankets.
This was three days ago. For the next two days, all I heard was how “cold” they all were. Well, if you’re that cold, go walk outside, dammit! It’s like 90+ degrees out there! So night before last I down a Mt. Dew, and worked all night to finish the PinkDiva’s blanket. The yesterday, now that PinkDiva’s lanket was done, the boys were even worse with the “I’m cold!” nonsense… so I worked my tail off, and got GeekBoy’s done. Well, I was going to wait til after they were in bed, but LilChicano was so heartbroken that his wasn’t done yet.. so yea, I finished it right after dinner.
and they will never understand how stressful the last three days have been for me. and how they did not help me with all the pressure… but then I watch them drag the things around the house, and yea…
It was all worth it.

**And yes, I misjudged the size. They are huge! Lil’Chicano’s is about 3 times as big as he is! When she saw her’s, PinkDiva said, “Wow. It’s big. That’s ok. I can grow into it!”
Lucky kids, amazing mom!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Awww, Lorraine. You are such a cool mommy. I know it was hell, cause I did it too. But yeah it so worth it when they say thank you mommy.
You’re very talented! Also very devoted! Love the Star Wars print–May the force be with you.