Sooo.. We own the house. We arrange with my parents to keep the kids so we can go paint. We saw this great sunset as we crossed the bridge.

We arrived to the house later Friday night thanks to traffic, and met with our first tenant, Murphy. Oh yea. You know Murphy’s law, Anything that can go wrong will? It seemed like everytime we tried to tackle what should have been a relativly quick & easy job, it turned into a 3 hour long project. Bleaching walls revealed that the first owner had painted huge murals on the walls, and the second owners had merely painted over it. This meant we couldn’t just roll paint on the wall. Nope, because we really didn’t want to see the flowers under the paint in our DS2’s room, so out came the sander.

In the process of sanding the walls, DH discovered the light swith wasn’t set right. So he got to play with his new toy miter saw to cut some tiny slivers of wood to wedge in there to keep the light switches where they should be.

And yea, It took almost the whole freaking weekend to get DS2’s room ready for paint. The most painting we got done in there was a layer of primer on the cieling where we removed the popcorn crap last weekend. we still need to prime the walls, and paint the walls, and the trim. And hang blinds and curtains.
And while we were waiting for the dust to settle in DS2s room, DH managed to build a wall or two out of spackle. Meanwhile, I started to clean out the kitchen. It took me about two hours, yes, hours, to clean out the fridge, it was indeed that nasty. Then I opened the freezer and cried. I begged DH to hire a maid. Then I called my mom for info about how to clean my nice new flat range top. As I cried on the phone about how nasty the fridge and freezer were, Mom gently reminded me about the steamer she had lent me to clean stuff with. DUH!!! Thank you MOMMY!!!! The freezer was clean in about 5 minutes, literally. And it only took me about an hour to steam out all the drawers and whatnot from the fridge and freezer. then I started on the counters. And apparently, whatever paint they used doesn’t hold up very well when it gets hot and wet. When I tried to steam clean the top of tghe backsplash, the paint on the wal started to peel. next thing I knew, this had happened:

Yup. an entire wall of paint just came right off! Yikes!!!! and this is the same stuff that is all over the house! See what I mean about Murphy? Once I was done with that wall, I turned the steamer towards the painted-over wallpaper. The wallpaper melted right off easy enough, and the glue cam off fairly easily also. Then I worked my way around to the area over the sink, which did not have wallpaper, but did have that same paint, so a little hit with the steamer and the paint melted away – to reveal that the former owner had attempted to take down the wallpaper, and given up on getting the glue down and painted over the glue. *sigh* here we go again.
While I was fighting with the paint in the kitchen, DH was figuring ways to fix the big holes in the drywall in the kids bedrooms, and trying to seal up the windows so that maybe our heat wouldn’t leak out. But in the end, we did manage to get the office area primed, and the cieling in there painted. We also got the small laundry area in the kitchen painted a nice pretty purple. *S* lookie lookie:

Flylady would be proud.
Wow!!! You guys have been really working hard! It is looking good and I know you are excited to have all the work finished!