Seriously… this past weekend, DS5 just blew through the first 4 phonics readers and only stumbled over a few words in reader #5. Keep in mind though, that according to the book, we are only just beginning reader #2. Then, that wonderful child of mine, started counting by 2’s and 10s last night! WOOHOO! WTG dude! and yea… that’s means he just blew past the next two chapters of Math. The boy is already doing first grade math, and now he’s skipping ahead! *S* I tell ya… I’m so proud I could just about bust!
We will be taking a break today so I can look over his school books and figure out where to start with him again. *S* Man oh man… I could just bust with pride. *S*
On another note: Check out what I got from Staples this weekend…

A brand new computer chair! Woo Hoo! And… I was able to use my Teacher discount card, so now if I spend $300.00 more at staples before the end of December, I’ll get a cash back reward… Whoopty freakin’ doo! (and no.. I don’t really plan on spending that much…. I’m trying to save for our new house, remember?)
I always said your kid was very smart. I am happy to hear that homeschooling is going great for you two. Keep up the good work! 🙂